Putting Jesus in His Place

Changing Perspectives on Jesus

Where is Jesus When Pastors Do It All

Recently, the church building to which I go had members who were in a car accident. (I go to the building because that’s where I find Christians.) I will spare the details except to say that it was serious and tragic and nothing written here is intended to detract from what is a painful situation.

The ensuing communication from the leadership was full of requests for prayer and details, and (which caused me to write) requests to not bother them for more information nor the family who was suffering.

Young Man LaughingBut this post is not about the family… This again is about putting Jesus in His place among church leaderships (btw, have you seen what Jesus says about leaders?).

Now it is very normal and sensible to give suffering families and leadership space, right? There’s even Biblical precedent-call the elders to anoint with oil, Jesus stole away to have his time with His Father, do good to the church first before those outside, etc.

But what happened to the other members of the church, especially when I’ve heard members of the leadership say that he/she is not that great at encouragement/healing? What’s happening to the gifts of the other members when members of the leadership are themselves going through crisis? What’s going on with the other members when members of the leadership are involved with too much to begin with?

And so the rest of us are asked to stay away for now.

What’s happening with Jesus, what’s happening with discipleship, what’s happening to the church when the pastors are the only ones to walk with our brothers and sisters?

Shouldn’t they have asked the body to see what it wanted to do. Who can heal? Who has the gift of encouragement? Who has the desire, ability, and opportunity to serve the suffering family?

But no wait, give them space and give them time-the Pastors have it, and we become Christian voyeurs yet again.

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This entry was posted on September 9, 2012 by in Christianity, Jesus, Philosophy, Religion, Spiritual Disciplines, Spirituality.